Wednesday, April 14, 2010

why i chose the url elliott sucks

ah why not? i've already explained this to a few people but what the fuck? i wanted a url with some humor. people would look at my url (it's in erich's links now yay!) and think i have something against some dude named elliott. they would check it out and discover that elliott is actually running the blog! ok maybe not that funny but it was to me. oh and a little preview of what's coming next. the shivvers discography cd, maybe some neos stuff, and maybe just maybe whatever the fuck i want. i don't plan it it just happens. like i didn't plan on doing reviews. ok i did but not that much. i had done one review for the amazing one man running ep but after seeing zach's hardcore punk reviews site it just happened. that was like december of last year and i'm already at 116 reviews even after taking a month off on well let's call it a forsed vacation. so i don't know what i'm trying to say. i guess that we don't know what something's gonna turn into we just have to wait and maybe it'll be good. oh and man i hate that elliott guy!

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