Thursday, April 8, 2010

slobber s/t 7 ep

this one goes out to brian of garden weasel (as well as some other kickass bands) for no other reasen than i'd like to thank you for commenting on my blog. and thank you everyone who has commented. anyway slobber. sloppy as fuck grindcore from california. i mean i wonder if these guys could play anything other than this. i'm reasonably sure they were fucking around. and check out the slobber blog i think the url is but i could be wrong. maybe it's not even the same band. no it probably is. they've reformed i think. pretty sure this has gone out of print so mustard relics for it. but as always try and look for a coppy. if you can't oh well. not to much i can say other than this is really short. and erich from fear of god hates it. so yeah check it out and remember to tell justin elliott sent you. don't do it and um something will happen.

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