Thursday, September 16, 2010

Witchaven - Terrorstorm [2010]

i don't know shit about witchaven or at least i didn't until now. i heard about them from a few friends and saw that they did exist. i was supposed to see them live but i think we've been there already. so i was just kind of forgot about them til a friend gave me this cd. what can i say? black/thrash metal from southern california. great shit. a mix of satanic songs with more politcal thrashers. i actually like that mix. why just be satanic or political? i know the satanic songs are just filler but please guys keep it up. too many political bands around saying the same thing. i mean even if you agree with what they say why would you want to listen to the same thing over and over again? now on to the actual music. i like the sound clips that they put in. very nice and it shows that they're at least awhere of what the hell's going on. i don't know why they call it black/thrash. i just call it thrash metal because i never liked subsubsubsubgenres.however i w3uld say that there is a huge black metal influence. they makes me want to pit really hard. the mix is gritty and fucking raw. you know that's why i like unsigned bands. they always have this really raw mix that bands with big producers just lack. it sounds more underground. a lot of metalheads don't like this kind of production. i love it. you can keep all your good producers i'll take a tape recorder. the vocals are a well at least to me they're a hybrid of black metal and thrash metal vocals. very nice. hopefully i get to see these guys live (last show i heard about was le mans week which was out of the question) because it sounds like a good time. one of the better releases of 2010. get it if you like metal. if you don't then stay tuned. hc comin up!

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