Thursday, September 2, 2010

jill kossoris invisible cd

okay so here's the thing. i got the problem fixed two days ago. i really wanted to post but just couldn't. i lack the motivation that i need to formulate my thoughts about a record. what that means is i was out of coffee and didn't want to sleep. so last night i went out to the speedway motorcycle races and that restored me to what passes for motivated. actually unlike most times there was no search for what record i was gonna review. for those of you who don't know (shame on you) jill kossoris was the vocalest for one of the best powerpop bands ever. the shivvers. i posted a lot about them and i heard that 20+years later she did a solo album. finally i got off my ass and bought this. what can i say? this actually took some time for me to embrace it. it's different from anything i have in my collection. you can still hear the powerpop but now she includes country and some others. good thing is she still has that voice. a little older but not bad. not bad at all. i find a lot of these songs get stuck in my head even if i don't always agree with the lyrics (i'm a punk who likes gg allin what do you expect?) still if you like the shivvers and don't mind something a little different get this. if you just want hardcore don't worry. i'll give you hardcore. and pretty soon it's happy birthday for hardcore punk reviews. special post for that too.


  1. i doubt that i'll like it. song titles, song lengths, all thumbs down. haha.

  2. i know you won't like it but i love it so much.


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