Friday, July 16, 2010

Wijlen Wij - Wijlen Wij (2007)

okay enough fast shit. time to slow it down. come to think of it this say be a little too slow. i mean a lot too slow. this is the only funeral doom metal album i have. funeral doom is well slow as fuck. i mean really fucking slow. not for everyday listening as it is really hard to get into but it can be done. let me give you an example of how slow it is. i was reading a review in mrr (look it up) on a sludge metal album and they said it stays in first gear. if that's first gear than this is reverse. but it's amazing. the first track is a very long intro that is just perfect. the music is well let me try. slow ass music, downtooned guitars, low whispery growls, and i think i heard a 27 minute song somewhere. they all kind of blend together to create this feeling of total emptyness. i don't know a lot about this genre but from what i've heard this band is some kind of supergroup. 6 song in 72 minutes. get it though if you want to see what i'm talking about. i mean it's not something you'll have on your cd player or mp3 player all the time but trust me. when the time comes you'll come back to it.

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