Sunday, August 22, 2010

demon hunter storm the gates of hell cd

i know what your thinking. what? elliott is posting a review for a christian metal band! he's lost it! first of all i never really had it. second even though i'm very far from a christian i really enjoy this one. yes it's metalcore. big deal. people don't like metalcore and i can kind of understand. but when did i post something because the people would like it? i'm posting this because well i'm really not sure why. this is actually very good metalcore with good heavy parts and good melodic parts. the lyrics are worse than crippled youth though. like i said i'm not even near christian and would rather listen to venom satanic lyrics than this but the music is very fucking good. so domon hunter you're lucky you perform well. check this out if you like metalcore. if you don't than well whatever. and thanks to the dude from the modernettes for commenting. that was just cool. i respect everyone who leaves comments on blogs. i just think it's funny cause i said that noone from the band would find this blog and the next day i woke up and checked my comments i need to publish and there it was. so let's summerise. bla bla demon hunter is cool but has stupid lyrics bla bla bla modernettes rule!

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