Monday, March 15, 2010

satan into the fire demo tape

sorry for the metal post if you are a pure punk due and sorry for all the punk if you are a pure metal dude. and i'm also sorry if anything offends you on this blog. no you know what? i'm not sorry for anything! if you can't take my jokes or have narowminded views on life and you are offended by anything i said you can go eat shit and die! ok now that that's out of the way this is one killer demo from satan. they fired the old singer with whom they recorded kiss of death/heads will roll one of the best metal singles ever. they recorded this tape with a new singer. it was a way to record new songs. every song is a killer on this one. why am i telling you go to and check it the fuck out. and for you punk guys try to give metal a chance and you all metal guys do the same with punk. i'm done ranting.

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