Sunday, March 28, 2010

my beliefs

some people have asked about my political and religious leanings.i'm not making this up. i think the reason some people have asked me this is because have a love for black metal and some of the bands i like have racist beliefs. i didn't know it then because they don't say it in the music and even if they did i wouldn't know. first of all let me say i get those band's albums for free. that includes burzum mayhem and all those bands. btw varg vikernes needs to shut the fuck up. we get it you have a small dick and a lot of insocuritys. you've made that very clear. now fuck off. i'm not reading your shit and i'm not giving you money. anyway i just wanted to clear the air a little. i am not a racist, sexist, homophobe, or any of that stupid shit. i am however antichristian, antiracist, and antieverything that's wrong with this world. politics i lean twards marxism but have also expressed anarchest views. in short i believe in both. it's kind of hard to explain but i'll do my best. if we can't have one let's have the other. antipatriotism is also a big part of my views. i do eat meat and am not streight edge but i do respect the guys who don't go overboard with the thing and start forcing streight edge on all of us. fuck those guys. those little youth crew shits make me sick. i am also anticonservitiv although i think that has been implyed on this blog before. implyed? i fucking said it many times! anti war as well. sorry about my ranting i'm not trying to force my beliefs on you just giving you some talking points. so yeah let me summarise. bla bla bla varg shut the fuck up bla bla rant rant rant. thank you for your time.

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