Thursday, March 25, 2010

kuro who the helpless 8 ep

well my vacation started early for me so expect more posts but not as many as on tuesday (that was supposed to be a punishment) anyway on to the music. no not koro kuro. big difference. japan had (and has) some great hc. this 8 inch ep (don't ask) by kuro is no exception. the vocals are wild. i mean he's so pissed off about something i can't tell what it is though only that if i sat down with the guy i would probly find i agree with him on those things. also peter kbd hates it. that's enough to make me download it. haha sorry peter actually a big fan of your blog. get this monster at gbm and look for it on ebay or look for a reissue. i don't say that in the other posts because i don't need too. if you have a brain you'll want a coppy for yourself. although some people have no brain. anyway get it however you can.

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