Tuesday, March 30, 2010
lethargie s/t lp
time for some crust. lethargie are a dyi crust band from germany who released this monster of an lp. if you know of anything more by this band for fucks sake give it to me! anyway great crust. i do love this genre of music. i'm looking for a hardcoppy maybe when i go back to amoeba. get it at archive.org and love it. btw if your in a band and want to get some reviewing just get in touch. come on. do it! i need more new music! anyway get this now.
minutemen double nickels on the dime double lp
alright! my 100th review! hope you like it and thanks to everyone for reading. now what we have is a really cool mix of jaz punk funk and country with some covers of songs that sound way better when covered by these three guys. and how did one song end up in the jackass show? and that live cover is awesome. you know what's weird? a double lp can fit on one cd. these guys know how to play. everything these guys put out is amazing. get it whenever you can. so yeah thanks for reading and get this now!
mentally ill gacy's place 7
coming up next my 100th review! i'm very excited about that. but right now let's hear some um kbd punk. the mentally ill were a band from somewhere. fuck i really got to start getting ready for these post. what bad production! the guitar is ultra fuzzy, the drummer rocks, the vocalest is sick, and i'm don't believe they had a bass. they probably did but i just don't think so. the cover is not a joke. it's a photo. the note is real too. kbd records for the download. and it's john wayne gacy not john paul. the second 7 is really different.
the eat communist radio/catholic love 7
well hear it is the eat. all of the eat's recordings have been put on a discography so get that. actually the slower and better catholic love is missing. anyway rather then do the smart thing like i did for liliput i'm gonna review each release. the only reason i'm doing it for this band is because i know all the releases (sorry liliput) anyway great great great old1school punk (a sertain canadian blegger would call it kbd punk) from florida! get the discography or from kbd records. not much i can say. it was not recorded live that chearing you hear is probly the band's friends. it doesn't sound live. anyway get it. oh yeah and tell them elliott sent you and see if anyone reads st! if they do tell me. if they don't well then tell them about it!
Monday, March 29, 2010
the germs forming/sex boy 7
the germs first release and what a record. the first song is simple punk with sleepy vocals. it's a little long but itill it's great. the second track is a live song complete with smashing bere bottle. i actually like the last track. get it somewhere. i dnn't know where. i got it from 7inch punk. it's great! a little simple but that's what makes it so good. get it whenever you can.
the freeze rabid reaction lp
zach posted this and i downloaded it. i was expecting more fast hc like the guilty face ep. i was wrong. in stead i found a good mix of mid-tempo hc and punk even a little country influence. cliff perfected his lyrics on this album. i guess he started up the freeze again with a different lineup and is still touring and making records. i don't care. as long as cliff is on vocals i don't give a crap who's playing the instraments. deffinatly get a reissue of this. misguided memorys sounds like later social distortion with a little more punch. before i hit the rubber room will probably make a lot of those pc ultra edgy assholes flinch. i bet if he was serious about the lyrics it would probably be a different story. anyway give this a listen.
well a lot of races i was gonna watch got rained out. i do watch nascar simply because it's racing. i also watch indy car. well if it has a motor and races i'll watch it. and no i do not like danica patric. you know i've seen women in racing who are five times better than she is but she's a pretty face. oh well zach at least the great paul tracy's from canada. anyway back to to music. you know how i feel about these discography releases. if you didn't let me put it this way. i love them! i love just going into a store and getting everything by a band. anyway just in case you didn't know. kleenex were an all girl swiss punk band who were forced to change the band's name to liliput by a sertain tissue company. i found a couple records on gbm listened to them and as soon as i could i went out and got this. see that's why mp3 blogs are great. i would have never heard this band before if it weren't for one swiss god. even if i got all the band's output from good bad music this has unreleased tracks. i know what that sounds like demo and live tracks. well it does have some kind of radio performance but i don't think they ever rerecorded any songs. and the music! the first cd is a bit more punky with some great sax and high and low vocals. and some nice rifs that i can't get out of my head. listen to track 12. if you can't that rif out of your head you've got problems. the second cd is more arty but still just as good. it's the best post punk band ever and you all need this if you ever want a good music collection. and the label it was released on. how can you not love a label called kill rock stars! this band had many lineup changes but these girls really could play. get it! now!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
final conflict 1985 demo
in a fiew posts it will be my 100th review. actually i thought of quitting after the 100th post during that month i was away. but it's too fun. then i thought about stopping after my 100th review. but now i've decided to stop either when i run out of music or i get shot. or maybe in two years. i don't really know. anyway i reviewed some fc a while ago just before i went missing. this demo has a lot of the same songs but in a little slower format. think poison idea's demo but badly recorded. also i can't hear any metal influence. zach you'd like the lp. it's tinged with metal just a slight bit. this demo has no metal to speak of. just a ripping demo. if the songs were a better quolity it could be an lp. enjoy and remember i'm not leaving.
the germs germicide live lp
oh wow. finally i've heard a drummer who's worse than me! this makes me feel so good. i really think pat was the only dude who knew how to play his instrament. and how many times does darby yell "aw fuck you!" and "come up here!" sloppy as hell not to fast old punk. fuck this hc fastness let's get sloppy. i really don't know how this found it's way onto a record. tape maybe but a record i don't know. mustard relics has it and as always look for some kind of reissue. too bad erich doesn't like it. this is truly good bad music.
my beliefs
some people have asked about my political and religious leanings.i'm not making this up. i think the reason some people have asked me this is because have a love for black metal and some of the bands i like have racist beliefs. i didn't know it then because they don't say it in the music and even if they did i wouldn't know. first of all let me say i get those band's albums for free. that includes burzum mayhem and all those bands. btw varg vikernes needs to shut the fuck up. we get it you have a small dick and a lot of insocuritys. you've made that very clear. now fuck off. i'm not reading your shit and i'm not giving you money. anyway i just wanted to clear the air a little. i am not a racist, sexist, homophobe, or any of that stupid shit. i am however antichristian, antiracist, and antieverything that's wrong with this world. politics i lean twards marxism but have also expressed anarchest views. in short i believe in both. it's kind of hard to explain but i'll do my best. if we can't have one let's have the other. antipatriotism is also a big part of my views. i do eat meat and am not streight edge but i do respect the guys who don't go overboard with the thing and start forcing streight edge on all of us. fuck those guys. those little youth crew shits make me sick. i am also anticonservitiv although i think that has been implyed on this blog before. implyed? i fucking said it many times! anti war as well. sorry about my ranting i'm not trying to force my beliefs on you just giving you some talking points. so yeah let me summarise. bla bla bla varg shut the fuck up bla bla rant rant rant. thank you for your time.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
JFA blatant localism 7
not feeling like anarchest punk right now. too much crass will do that to you. JFA is right for me right now even though i can't ride a skateboard (i'm blind. i fall. it hurts like a bitch especially when you have big rocks in the yard) oh well time to bust out the coaks and snickers. anyway from what i can gather this is pretty good lighthearted skatecore. i first heard this band on the some arizona comp but it wasn't that great. this is though. 7inch punk for the download. i'll review crass soon.
title not found
not feeling like doing a review right now. also not feeling like writing a title. what the hell is wrong with me? i'm actually feeling somewhat social (ask zach i always feel somewhat social) so i figure after i get some sleep i'll go out and do something. i think a trip to the record store will be fine. right now i'm just sitting wondering why i don't go to sleep yet. also if you know me personally and visit this blog please make yourself known. i don't know if that's a good idea though. you should see the guys i hang around hahaha. also i was thinking of having someone come in if i can't post and post for me. not saying it's gonna happen but if you want to sort of own a part of the internet get in touch with me. let's se what more do i have to say. don't really know. oh yeah i think the fucked up url hurts me rather than helps me. nothing i can do really as i tryed to get another blog a while ago and it told me to type what you see in the picture. only problem is i don't se a picture. so i'm stuck. someone besides me and the awesome zach of hardcorepunkreviews.blogspot.com has to read this right? oh well i'm doing this for me and the people who read it even if it's just one person. talk to ya later. oh yeah and powerpop rules!
Friday, March 26, 2010
d.r.i thrash zone lp
you know when a band crosses over it puts me in a weird place. you know my metal love by now probably. but when a hardcore band i love goes metal it's weird because on one hand i love metal but on the other hand they were one of my favorite hc bands and now they're following a trend. now you know about dri a little from my blog. i even reviewed a metal album by them a fiew months ago (seems like three years now) but now i actually have words to say what this is. it's ok. the guys know how to play but please get rid of the singer. i love his hc singing but in the crossover dri he really doesn't change his way of singing so it really doesn't fit the music. other than that it's a good metal album. so check it out if you like metal.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
corrupted morals chet ep
before i make this story public i need to remind you i was 10 at the time. anyways i was all into green day and thought i was so punk. i'm not joking when i say when i wrote that i actually got a little sick. anyway i was saying how green day was so punk and all that poser shit when some guy gave me some records put out by lookout! the same labal gd was on in the early days i guess. he said "this was what was going on at the time those guys you like started." the first record in the pile was this 7 by corrupted morals. i put it on. ok nice intro. then it happened. what the fuck? the music was simple and fast and something inside me told me that this was home for me. right at that second i smashed everything that reminded me of green day. and that's how i found hardcore. i don't care if it's generic i just know it's how i found hc. later on i was to discover good pop punk and get a lot more hardcore shit but that's how it all started. get this at 7inchpunk and listen to it as i did as a 10 year old.
kuro who the helpless 8 ep
well my vacation started early for me so expect more posts but not as many as on tuesday (that was supposed to be a punishment) anyway on to the music. no not koro kuro. big difference. japan had (and has) some great hc. this 8 inch ep (don't ask) by kuro is no exception. the vocals are wild. i mean he's so pissed off about something i can't tell what it is though only that if i sat down with the guy i would probly find i agree with him on those things. also peter kbd hates it. that's enough to make me download it. haha sorry peter actually a big fan of your blog. get this monster at gbm and look for it on ebay or look for a reissue. i don't say that in the other posts because i don't need too. if you have a brain you'll want a coppy for yourself. although some people have no brain. anyway get it however you can.
the psychos one voice demo
well hear's a little tape i found by stumbling blindly through the interweb. this band isn't known at all outside of new york i don't think. actually if it's known at all it's because it has billy of s.o.d on bais. that's it. what people don't know is that it's actually a good tape. good new york hardcore. i don't know what more to say except it's good hc. not great but good. get it from sodmod.com.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
agent 86 scary action 7 ep
zach has the first 7 on his site so i figured i'd do a review of the second and in my opinion better ep by these guys. put out in 1986 it's pretty much hc thrash at it's best. just listen to the first song. you can tell these guys weren't fucking around but you can also hum to some parts. weird. great mix reminds me of a gg allin album a little at least in the mix. go get it at mustard relics and get the live tape he posted. the live tape isn't bad but it's not great. i'll review that another time though. get this now!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
swankys the very best of hero lp
great hc from japan. the vocalest used to be really anoying but i guess he's alright. i actually like slower old punk songs the best. i think it's just the mood i'm in right now. gbm for the download. my favorit title is knife won't open because of all the rust. read the comments section on gbm for some great storys on the band. and if the vocalest anoys you give it a fiew mor listens. you'll come around. if you don't i'll sell this computer which i don't actually own. so please come around!
ydi a place in the sun 7 ep
ydi's first release. it's hc. great skinhead hardcore. i mean just listen to it. ydi got exposure on the american hardcore documentery. go to gbm for the download. unfortunitly the followup to this was kind of bad. i've already talked about that one though. to get this one if you like hardcore.
ydi black dust lp
wow. this was always said to be a hugh metal sellout record. in case you didn't know ydi were a hardcore band who tryed to go metal. basicly what you have is a band trying to play metal but lacking the skills to do it. erich from gbm called it very bad bad bad metal and i can kind of agree. i still kind of like it though. lastdaysofmanonearth has it. tell me what you think about this record. kind of a funny record the way they try so hard to be metal. worth a laugh at least.
mayhem deathcrush ep
what a great black metal ep we have. only thing that's wrong with it is the really bad production and the vocalest needs some work. other than that a good record. i got this along wiqh the first album for not to much money. you can probly still get this ep. damn it's great! so yeah get it. and don't ever mention my lack of posts ever again unless you like what i'm doing right now.
abnormallity 2007 demo
i said i'd give you more posts. expect more today. abnormallity are a deathgrind band. one of the best deathgrind demos i've heard in a long time. and i had no idea the vocalest was a girl. really i couldn't tell. unfortunatly this found it's way on to that rock band shit game. oh well. it's a great demo and i can't wait to hear more by these guys (and girl) get it whenever you can unless you don't like metal then leave me a comment bitching about all the metal i post just like on gbm hahaha.
the freeze guilty face 7 ep
well i've given up on metal archive because it's stupid and kinda lame. anyway this is not the best release by the freeze but it's the hardest. man that guy had issues. not much i can really say on this. brutal hc punk. voices from my window is the best song on this record. get it at gbm and love it with me. like i said that guy had some major problems. expect mor on these guys soon on this blog. and eric powerpop rules!
impaled northern moonforest s/t 7
now you know my posts lack any sofistication or any of that smart crap. i'm just a fan like you. except i'm better than you because i just am okay? anyway impaled northern moonforest is a joke acoustic (joke) black metal band that consists of seth and josh of anal cunt (see last post) the band is basicly josh doing random shit on the guitar and seth screaming out random shit. no lyrics except for satan or evil things. if you want this ep do a search for impaled northern moonforest. oh and the drums are seth slapping his knees and a bed. it's amazing. get it.
anal cunt 110 song cd (review coming)
well i finally got this (thanks zach) so this is kind of a new post. it's pretty much like the old ac stuff in that it's directionless noise with great vocals from seth putnam. really don't know what to say. listen to it. it was recorded at the band's practice space on november 17, 2008 and is just amazing. if you can listen to it all the way through without stopping you get a prize. anyway look on the net for it or wait for a repress of this. and hello seth and all the members of the band.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
terrorizer world downfall lp
recently (december of last year not all that recent) went down to amoeba music in hollywood and got a shitload of cds including a fiew discographys. anyway i had heard terrorizer from a split demo with nausea (l.a) and loved them. erich says it's death metal i say who gives a fuck? this album is a little clean mixed but that might be the only thing wrong with it. it rocks! simple as that. it was recorded and released after the band had split up. don't ask because i don't know. in 2006 terrorizer somewhat reformed with a new singer and basses and put out an album called darker days ahead an album which i like simply because i love metal. i bet you if i was picky i would hate it but i'm not picky at all. still think world downfall is a great album and better than the followup. i'm not gonna give a history on the band because you can do it yourself. stop being lazy and do it! see ya.
Friday, March 19, 2010
one man running demo
so i tryed to review some stuff at another site and they rejected my shit. i guess they want real reviews not some weird rant about how good this album is or something. so i'm sticking with pt for now. it's my soapbox. my sloppy soapbox full of spelling errors and bad reviews. but it's mine. i don't care that the url is fucked (well actually i do) but like i said it's mine. i wish more people would come to this site though. someone other than zach please put me in your links. i say other than zach because he already did. thanks. anyway on to the fucking review. it's one man running and it's a demo. what more do you want me to say? omr were a poppy munk band. i'd say mop punk but then i'd have to slap myself. let's just call it hardcore that you can actually sing along too. like all of omr you can find this at one of the best blogs around mustard relics. get it and get everything by these guys. i reviewed the ep last year. get that too. over and fuck off. and remember if you want me to review your shit email me. i would really like too. i can't open attached files very well so put it on http://www.archive.org. thank you who ever sent me anything. if noone did then i hope you all get eaten.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
stormtroopers of death speak english or dye lp
this one's for eric. not because of the title it's because he keeps bashing powerpop. dude listen to it first don't start bashing what you haven't heard yet. anyway s.o.d's first lp after the amazing crab society north demo that i reviewed a looooooooong time ago. just as a disclaimer the title was just thought of to piss people off. even though billy the singer has really dumb politics he's still a good singer. the album is one of the greatest crossover thrash albums ever. it came with extra tracks but those went away so fucking fast. 21 songs only one actually made it from the demo to the album that one being diamonds and rust. pick this fucker up now! oh yeah and it features members of anthrax brutal truth and the psychos as well as m.o.d and a lot of others. so pick it up now!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
the runaways s/t lp
hahaha i know what you're thinking is he for real? yeah i am. it's a good record. i don't usually like this kind of hard rock but they have an edge about them that is really nice. i don't like what the x members went on to do but this band rocks. oh yeah it was an all girl band. i wasn't actually gonna add that because it doesn't matter that much to me but yeah they were. buy this or get it from site with justin as the admen. you know what i mean. anyway normally not my thing but a good record. i guess someone put out a movy about the runaways. you know those ones where actors try to recreat the piture with changes by the director. no thanks. i'll stick to the music.
just some thoughts
not in the mood to review anything right now but i wanted to post something. what makes guys who used to be in punk bands not want to have anything to do with the band they were in? i don't know. like the guitarest from power of the spoken word who doesn't want anything to do with his awesome band. just a thought.
Monday, March 15, 2010
satan into the fire demo tape
sorry for the metal post if you are a pure punk due and sorry for all the punk if you are a pure metal dude. and i'm also sorry if anything offends you on this blog. no you know what? i'm not sorry for anything! if you can't take my jokes or have narowminded views on life and you are offended by anything i said you can go eat shit and die! ok now that that's out of the way this is one killer demo from satan. they fired the old singer with whom they recorded kiss of death/heads will roll one of the best metal singles ever. they recorded this tape with a new singer. it was a way to record new songs. every song is a killer on this one. why am i telling you go to goodbadmusic.com and check it the fuck out. and for you punk guys try to give metal a chance and you all metal guys do the same with punk. i'm done ranting.
Friday, March 12, 2010
not in the mood to review anything right now. i was doing some reflection and i thought back to when i first started this to get away from sm and the stupid journal. when i started this i didn't know i would review so much. i think after i looked at zach's hardcore punk reviews blog i started doing reviews. it's been really fun and i hope it continnues to be as fun. but i've decided to not do as many reviews as i have been. i'm sure i'll break this thing in two days but that's what i'm gonna say for now. so look for more commentarys on the slobbering masses questing for more gossep to shove down their throats. hey did you hear? joey slepped with jane. thank you wd-40. anyway don't know what more to say.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
the thrash practice tape
you're a political trendy/you'll do anything to offend me/you know it pisses me off and now i've had enough! that's how i got this blog title from track one of this tape. the thrash were some kind of punk band. they later became shocking grasp. i like the tape i have of shocking grasp but they ruined political trendy by playing it too fast (that's right you hear me) it' just works on this tape. the other songs are great too. get it on the internet archive. in short i downloaded the tape. i put it on full blast. i listened to the whole thing. and it was great!
grout practice tape
holy shit! this is hard! i was listening to the grout demo on KHSU and i thought of this. justin and steve from wd-40 and garden weasel were in this band as well as jeff (leftoverking) on guitar and ty on bass. justin left after about a year and the band now had jeff on vocals. that version kicks ass but this. this is better. bad quality you can barely make anything except bass and drums. but the power. justin screems his fucking lungues out. it's amazing. get it from mustard relics and check out the demo he has with jeff singing. it's good too and i'll review it soon.
the flakes streight jacket ep
this one's for eric. please use your name when commenting from now on. i'm not trying to be a dick i just think it looks better. unless your from mustard relics because everyone knows who you are. actually because this is my blog i can be a dick. anyway as i said this review is for eric. not erich. great swedish powerpop with the drummer from raped teenagers peter swenhammar on you guessed it drums. zach doesn't like this either. that's cool. but anyway three great poppy songs. this was my introduction to this genre of music. and i only got it because peter was in raped teenagers. but i kepped it because i think it's really good pop. some would say i'm loozing tuch. well to that i say fuck off! i haven't lost shit in fact i would say to not conform with the punks you need to like some pop. so no i haven't become trendy. i like anything i like. ok ranting over. get it from kbd records and love it.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
fear of god s/t 7
well i threatened a dude with powerpop and i'm posting grindcore. oh well. will review some more powerpop later. now it's time for some insane iwiss grindcore. you all know about erich keller's great voice and site good bad music but he also has great lyrics and a good band behind him. one of my favorite grindcore releases ever. 21 songs on a little 7. i saw a bootleg of this with a ripping infest cover added on. anyway if you look on mediafire (blech!) you can find a download of this or spend hundreds of dollars for a real one. your choyse. this was reissued on a double lp as a discography. pick it up if you can find it.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
f.y.p extra credit 7
well after my powerpop post i thought i'd do this one. f.y.p is a hardcore band. tod the vocalest started reces records. in fact this was the first release by that labal. why do i say that? because the third release was the amazing without direction 7 by garden weasel who i raved about. i'll have to review that one. this is raw hardcore. justin of garden weasel said it's kind of hardcore you'd hear coming out of a garage and i'd have to agree. you can get a shit load of f.y.p at reces records. so do that.
the shivvers teen line/when i was younger 7
well i'm back and it's time for some powerpop. the shivvers are a pop band from somewhere. i don't know. teen line is a perfict powerpop song and when i was younger is a little more punk. good vocals too. get it at kbd records.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
i'm not dead!
sorry for not posting anything and not answering anyone's emails. my computer crashed. it's quite common actually. i'm really sorry. review coming soon. and no zach rf7 rules. get the fallen 12 ep.
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Blog Archive
- lethargie s/t lp
- minutemen double nickels on the dime double lp
- mentally ill gacy's place 7
- the eat communist radio/catholic love 7
- the germs forming/sex boy 7
- the freeze rabid reaction lp
- kleenex/liliput
- final conflict 1985 demo
- the germs germicide live lp
- my beliefs
- JFA blatant localism 7
- title not found
- d.r.i thrash zone lp
- corrupted morals chet ep
- kuro who the helpless 8 ep
- the psychos one voice demo
- agent 86 scary action 7 ep
- swankys the very best of hero lp
- ydi a place in the sun 7 ep
- ydi black dust lp
- mayhem deathcrush ep
- abnormallity 2007 demo
- the freeze guilty face 7 ep
- impaled northern moonforest s/t 7
- anal cunt 110 song cd (review coming)
- terrorizer world downfall lp
- one man running demo
- stormtroopers of death speak english or dye lp
- the runaways s/t lp
- just some thoughts
- satan into the fire demo tape
- reflecting
- the thrash practice tape
- grout practice tape
- the flakes streight jacket ep
- fear of god s/t 7
- f.y.p extra credit 7
- the shivvers teen line/when i was younger 7
- just another update
- i'm not dead!