Wednesday, November 28, 2012

ydi out for blood cd

alright. ydi. i've reviewed them twice before. the ep and the lp. wso why am i reviewing this? because it's a discography. ydi released a great ep and a missunderstood lp. but they also released a demo which was never sold. they need to be slapped for that. not as overwelmingly serious and hard as the ep it seems but a really solid hc demo. these guys were idiots not celling this. i mean, how can you not love that guitar tone! the other tracks worth mentioning are the comp tracks from get off my back! one was used in the movie american hardcore in a live version. that seems to be where people know them now. two great songs especially i killed my family. the rest of the tracks are from the ep and lp which i've already talked about. the ep is as good as ever. the lp isn't everyone's cup of tea but for some reason i love the way it sounds. if you don't own any of these records i suggest getting it. if you do..well it's worth it for the out for blood demo. ps ydi, please explain why you never sold the demo. unless you just gave it away for free. then you guys rock haha

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