Monday, June 14, 2010

protes bengt in bengt we trust 7 ep

well i have a big test tomorrow but as someone probably said once "i don't really give a shit i want to listen to punk." well summer is almost here. for some that means a vacation and going away. for me however that means i'm gonna be posting a lot more. anyway on to the post. holy fuck! swedish thrash at it's best. 32 songs of mayhem right before grindcore exploded. the singer (i don't know if he can be called singer) from filthey christians is in this band as well as the guys from the amazing mob 47. get the fucker from gbm. actually not much to say about the music except for play really fuckin loud. i mean so loud they can hear you around the block. trust me that's the best way to play it. actually the singer is in some band called bruce banner. great new hardcore. so check this fucker at. gbm has it. oh and a little pressing info. according to erich 1000 were made. they asked for 1000 more but the record guys fucked up and pressed more of the mob 47 ep so they sold that. i don't know anything about if it's been repressed but check it out. now.

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