Saturday, January 2, 2010

d.r.i full speed ahead lp

alright i know i just did a blog post but i was listening to my collection of albums and full speed ahead came on. well after about 10 minutes of air drumming and dancing around my room (yes i am an idiot) i just thought i'd write a review. see i've always been a metalhead at heart though i'm a little more awhere than your avrage dumb metalhead. think of me as a more extreme version of erich good bad music. no i'm joking. but anyway when i was seven i heard metallica for the first time. it was one of the songs on the black album and i was hooked. i like pretty much anything heavy but the more orijinal underground stuff is higher up than the horible nu metal and metalcore stuff i have. i also like some pop punk but not green day. but hey who cares. i can like what i want. i'm not really punk. i mean i am i guess but i don't call myself punk because i hate labals. my mind is open to a lot of music. anyway this is the best metal dri album yet. it's actually the last dri album. i like all the albums i've heard from them but this is the best crossover album they did. i like the good double kick drummeing the singer still sounds like it's 1982 and he's singing busted or something. they even do another version of who am i. i like the dirty rottin ep versiong a little better but whatever. i was checking out the flex discography (which is way wrong some times) and it said that you couldn't hear hardcore in the sound anymore. really? maybe so but i can tell they were at least influenced by hardcore. pretty good album but i have to say one more thing. people bitch about a band going crossover. well here's my take. as bands get better musicly they don't want to play the same 1/2 fuck you hardcore thing all the time. i know it's a letdown but you have to understand. after all if you could play good and did the hardcore thing wouldn't you want to change a little? this album still has some good points in the lyrics. and to everyone who call dri posers. you are the poser. then again maybe i'm just a poser. oh fuck it we're all posers! anyway buy the cd and enjoy. or don't enjoy it if you don't like metal. but i think i made some good points on this post you just have to decode what i'm saying. just hit your head five times and you'll be as stupid as me. i'm actually better at talking than typing. ok that's enough for now.

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