Tuesday, December 15, 2009

afi (what a shame)

i'm sure everyone reading this (probably just me) has one or two great hardcore bands that morfed into something that was well let's just say not good. one of my bands was the beastie boys. if you've heard the first ep you know what i'm talking about. the second ep was a little two rap for me but i might give it a listen. then they went full rap. i'm one of those people who hates rap. just was never my thing. but anyway another was afi. a lot of people don't know this but afi was first a hardcore punk band that formed in 1991. i know posthardcore or whatever i really don't give a fuck it's my goddamn blog. anyway the first two albums were amazing. the third album was great two. the fourth was good but you could see wat direction they were going in. don't get me wrong i like new afi but the old shit is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. yes, polly wog stew is great. i too hate rap, and pretty much everthing besides hardcore punk.


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