Friday, March 25, 2011

r.i.p phil vane

this is late but just a quick little r.i.p to phil vane of extrene noise terror. he died some weeks ago of unknown causes. sucks cause ent is a great band. another dead punk star. sucks. i could do a huge writeup about everything phil did but let's let another blog do that. let's just listen to ent and remember what phil has meant to us. i'll say it when i heard about phil's passing i shed a tear. so let's bring out our old ent records and thrash. but in the middle of the thrashing just think about phil. anyway a more uplifting post is coming.


  1. goddamm, sounds like my favorite generation went all out for a fallen hero. WTF ya lazy mutherfuker. "I think the sun sets cause he told it to, and I could euglolze him, but fuck that, its too much work." Goddamm would Zach do the same for you?
    Thanks for nothing Elliot. i learned nothing from this post.

  2. well i figured everyone was going all out in a tribute and telling his life story. i don't know anything you don't. he used to play in napaln death. they did a swich where barny from napalm death joined ent. but things didn't work out so they swiched back. sorry this was a letdown.


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