Sunday, February 6, 2011

baby shakes s/t lp

well i don't want to sleep so let's put on some powerpop and review a record. sounds good to me. baby shakes are a pop group of i think three girls and a rotating drummer thing going on. this was put out in 08 i think. it's great powerpop done right. what more do i need to say? the first track doesn't get you ready for the album. it just dives right in. not much more i can really say. i don't want to spoil the fun. if you like powerpop you need to get this and i mean now. and if anyone from the band stops by could you give some info on where to get this? it's like all the records i review. you need to get them all. just not level. do not get that one. this one is a must though. i'll be back with another review later.


  1. oh i love this record. i really want the other records that they put out. i emailed the band cause i wanted to get a shirt from them.

    oh and they never emailed me back, haha.

  2. so how come the singer of anal cunt will email me and be all cool but a pop band won't? try em again.

  3. so grindcore dudes are nicer than pop groups?

  4. i guess. almost every band i contact, contacted me back. the only ones i can think of that didn't, were baby shakes and the busy signals (which are in fact also pop, haha).

  5. weird. the only guy i wrote who never contacted me back is the dude from kfth.


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