Sunday, February 3, 2013

disclose apocalypse of death 7

at the risk of offending some nwe hc fans, i really don't feel this band deserves all the praze it gets. shitty crust from japan..shitty crust, that's redundant. i'm not a crust fan. we get it, you love discharge..get over it. the mix is annoying too. they try too hard to be destorted and cool. i love japanese hc but that's something i've always found, i thought a lot of bands tried too hard to be interesting. this band does the same. i mean, i have very few d-beat records. shitlickers, anti-cimex, that sort of stuff. maybe it's just because i don't like new hc. punk did its thing people. only a few punk bands now can hold my attention. and also, this isn't even good japanese's just a lame band. stop wershipping this pile of shit and listen to 80s hc

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