Wednesday, September 5, 2012

brack greatest hits vol. 1 cd

now some of you should know that i love racing. and music. this combines the two. this is indycar champion kenny brack's band. i won't go into much detail but brack raced in the irl for a few seasons and won 4 races including the 1999 indy 500. then he made the right choice ad moved to the cart champ car series. he won 5 races in that one and finished second in the championship in 2001. then he moved back to the irl and got hurt really seriously in a bad crash at the insanely dangerous (for indycars) texas motor speedway. he later came back to indy and i beleive is doing ralleying now. anyway in 2007 he started a band and did an album. what's the music lie? i'm gonna be quite honest here. it's pop rock maybe a little pop punk. something you'd probably here on the radio. now you're probably thinking that me the punk who listens to dr aids and souch will hate this band right? wrong! it's actually quite good. i really like kenny's song about a.j foyt legend of the speedway. yeah the lyrics are cheezy as all hell but it's a good song. the worst part is the vocalist. i can't describe it but he just doesn't sound right. maybe he shouldn't be a melodic singer. i think his name is frank. hey frank! wanna try death metal next t time? anyway this thing only has 7 songs (9 if you include the two radio edits which i skip) and they're all great pop songs. one is a slow one about kenny's kid being born a few floors abouve where he was recovering from the crash. i wish i could link youtube stuff. this crash was horrible.i hope kenny does a new album soon. come on dude! maybe write a song about how great paul tracy was haha. racing joke. anyway you can get this from amazon or whereever and i suggest you do it. enjoy this well produced rock from the only swedish racer to win indy

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