Thursday, June 14, 2012

gism sonic crime therapy cd

well what have we got here? a reunion album from gism? oh boy. let's see how bad this is. except it's not. i have a generally low opinion of bands reuniting for the simple reason that it just won't sound as good as the old days. bands usually try to recreate the old days and most of the time it's pure shit. except with these japanese punks? metalheads? both? this is a fucking weird record. i mean the first one was weird wile the second one was kind of normal by gism standards. this one is just fucked. the singer hasn't lost any of his voice though it's changed a bit and he roles his rs more. the rest of the band are amazing pounding out interesting punkmetaal with some really good solos and weird shit. i can't recomend this cd enough. nice raw mix too. get this is you're a fan of weird punk metal that's not crossover but just original japanese awesomeness

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