Thursday, February 16, 2012

anvil live review

well last night i saw the legendary anvil for the first time. i have all 14 albums, the movie, and even the book. i know all the history. well i thought this was gonna be just the mentors and anvil. that's what it said. when i got to the whisky though i learned i had to sit through 6 bands before anvil who went on at 11. the first band was some metalcore band who's name i never learned. they were pretty good but the lyrics were amazingly whiny. sorry i just don't like emo people. the next band was called kick and chicken. i didn't get the joke. to me they just sounded like another groove metal band. i just didn't understand what was so good about them. the next band was wise guy theory. they sucked so much cock it's not even funny. worse than airborn. hard rock wanker band. the crowd didn't even like them either. here's one song. i don't give a fuck cause you don't give a fuck! repeted 1000 times over and over again. they alternated between hard rock and really bad metal. the singer sucked too. next band was social overload. they kicked so much ass. thrash from san fernando valley bitches! if any member or friend of a member of social overload is reading this i need a coppy of your demo to review it. the next band i don't even remember the name of it but it was a cross between roots era sepultura, pantera, and cannibal corpse. fun for about 2 songs then boring as shit. next was a death metal band from pamona called deceive. i actually thought they were pretty cool death thrash metal. they had a really cool singer. would love to get that ep too. i was kind of waiting for anvil at that point but i payed attention and really enjoyed deceived. then anvil came up. they didn't have the bombs with tea leaves i heard about and lips didn't use a dildo to play guitar. but they rocked so damn hard it was scary. they have a new bassest named sal. i don't know personally i liked glen a lot. this guy will take some getting used too. they played some of my favorite songs though nothing from 86-05 which sucks cause they released some killer records from that period. lips has lost whatever voice he had. he can still play guitar like a motherfucker. rob did a really really really long drum solo that was simply amazing to hear. the only thing is sometimes the songs would drag on because they'd play so many solos and it's like okay next please! i didn't stick around for the mentors because without el duce it's not the same. overall a pretty good night. and i finally got to see one of my favorite metal bands ever. i'll be reviewing some anvil later on. and hopefully i'll review social overload's demo if i ever get it. please! deceive too!

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