Saturday, November 12, 2011

drunken profane almost midnight rant

well i was looking through my posts and blog history. in damn near two years of doing this i got 4 fucking followers, i've done almost 380 fucking posts, and only one or two people read this fucking thing. this is not how i planned my blog would be in two years. it's fucking shocking. i must be the least frequented blog on the net and why do i do it? i don't know. for the ego? that's a laugh and a half. if i did it strictly for ego i'd have killed myself about a year ago. i guess the reason i keep doing this is i just hope things will improve. i hope (i don't pray we've been over this unless you didn't read that one either) every day that people will discover my little soapbox and like what i'm writing. i don't know it's a little depressing. no i take that back it's a lot depressing. i understand people have lives but fuck dude hafl the comments are mine. that's not good i don't care what country you're from. so what's the future? i'm sure i'll keep posting reviews and no one comments. you wanna know something? Zach is probably the only reason this blog stays afloat. serious thanks man. now if you just happen to click on ole elliott sucks please for the love of dog, comment? and if you like what you see and you have a blogger account follow? i'm pretty much begging right now cause i don't want to keep doing this and wasting my time. i can tell when this is a lost cause. it probably is already but i'll keep doing this at least til january. and one more thing. my followers who may or may not read this could you tell your friends? please? also i'm still open for records to review. is where you can email me


  1. well i don't know what to say.

  2. good question. unknown at this point

  3. is it really that hard to understand why so few people read this blog? Look at it! Maybe try, I don't know, adding photos, working on the design/layout and cleaning up your grammar and wording first before you complain.

  4. you know maybe you should leave your real fucking name before commenting you coward cunt. the world is better off if you didn't leave a comment at all. i can't add photos of anything. it's hard to do this and be blind at the same time. and the grammer i don't think i've ever done a post when i wasn't half asleep. i know why no one comes and that's that my blog is shit. but so is little fucks like you leaving comments and not using your real name. you're probably my sister. that's it it's caitlin isn't it?

  5. ps i'm leaving your comment up for the simple reason that i want to send this message. unless you're gonna tell me your name don't comment. thanks.


leave a fuckin comment!
