Monday, February 1, 2010

elliott is dead!

not really. i just really wanted to have a post with that title. i've decided to stop with reviews for a bit. ok again not true. i just really can't think of what to post next. also i can't think. but that's normal for me. anyway the great political trendy is about to hit a very emportant (to me) mark. 100th post! kind of wierd because when i started this i never thought i would get to that mark so fast. god i'm so happy! okay not really that big of a deal. wonder how many posts i did on my shit sm journal. i can't actually ever find out because i deleted a lot of them because one of the dumber things on that sight was the entire journal (blog) no matter how big was just one page. how stupid is that? they did the same thing with the forum threads. one huge page too big for my shit computer to load. blogger is better. so.fuck spread the word. don't really know what elce to say oter than i love my blog and wouldn't trade it for anything. well except for the raped teenagers lp.

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